I'll admit I had a story in mind for you today.
but in the end I have decided to start a photoblog instead.
So, let me paint the picture for you.
Chinese drama movie, a realistic recreation of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake that took the lives of 240,000 people. One of the most engrossing and moving films I've seen in recent years.
My top tip would be to take enough paper handkerchiefs with you when you watch this. Put this on your "must see" list.
My tasty pursuit of the week.
Cordon bleu with mushroom sauce and baked macaroni could be the best combination in the world.
So we played Dr. Quack Quack after group 3's SLE
ETERNO: The Legacy Continues
Sadly, I wasn't able to catch it. FAIL. but I did get to watch it on Youtube.
Hello na lang sa'yo Adams..

A study on the behavior of male hamsters before and after the intake of drugs
Nicotine solution, MSG, gin and gluthatione solution were the drugs given to them.
I Joined PETA today! People Eating Tasty Animals. Joke!
I'm not a vegan but I'm a supporter of animal rights. Most assuredly. I am very passionate about all animals and I want to protect them anyway I can possible.
The fattest and biggest hamster I've ever seen. Almost a size of a guinea pig.
Arranque market
We were supposed to get to Cartimar but apparently it's time constraining so we went to Arranque instead. It is a huge outdoor wet and dry market where on one corner sits the animal market. Like everything else in Chinatown, the animal market spills right onto the sidewalk.
FM in Republiq
You’ve been grooving to their beat with their “Like a G6″ hit. And now you can personally witness them live! Unfortunately, I can't go. This is a...crap!
Kev Nish someday we'll meet beyond the time and the bars.
Kev Nish someday we'll meet beyond the time and the bars.
I love Bruno Mars songs
with lyric ability like that, it is no surprise.
Don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a ticket. Just pass.
Don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a ticket. Just pass.
The most sinful chocolate cake.
Oh goody! Tease your taste buds. Dear mom, make me a version of this.
This is exactly how I picture myself with Nemanja
Let's make love all night long