To everyone who appreciates their Father as much as I do. Happy Fathers Day to all fathers, stepfathers, men stepping in to be the father and; some woman being the father and mother .
I like to honor most especially ROGELIO BAUTISTA my ever-loving, funny, good-provider, lahat na dad.. No doubt all I see my dad as the'worlds greatest'
So, I’m taking this opportunity to especially appreciate him. He have been given an important role in my’s life, a responsibility that he alone can fully fathom. Know that all his hard work and sacrifices did not go unnoticed. In my eyes, my dad is truly the best father one can ever have.
Dad sana may mga cyberspace ka rin ng mabasa mo toh..
Father's day- to honor and celebrate fathers with gifts and cook outs. Gifts that can never come close to the significance that fathers play in their children’s lives.
But isn’t that what fatherhood is all about? Sacrificing for the good of your children? Of course it’s not a sacrifice without rewards – the love of a child for their father often cannot be measured or matched.
it feels so Good... Thank you Lord for my Family.