I know that in my pulse I said I would write a new post tomorrow. I actually really wanted to post today.
I just really wanted to post today, to write about something for everyone to read, but I just couldn't think of anything. There's all kind of thoughts running through my mind, and things I would like to blog about in the future, but for right now I just couldn't think of anything.
I just wanted to write something, anything, because I love writing and I love posting on my blog site. But, what can you do when you can't think of anything to post? Yesterday when I was in Robinson Galleria, I was thinking about something I was going to post today and when I came on blogger, I didn't remember what it was. That annoyed me to no end because I couldn't remember. And, I still can't remember. So I tried to think of something else and just couldn't think of anything.
It's just annoying when you want to post something and either you can't remember what you wanted to blog about, or you have blogger's block. Sometimes you just have the urge to blog, write something, and I had that urge, but couldn't think of anything to really post about. Although this is the first time this has happened.
Well, I guess because of blogger's block it did give me something to write about even if it was only to complain about, haha.
Have you ever had blogger's block? Have you ever wanted to blog about something, but no matter what couldn't think of anything?