Dear Aric aka Anygma,
You’re a mind fucker.
But unfortunately that’s why girls like me are attracted to guys like you.
You’re an intellectual turn on, intoxicating my heart and mind with sweet rhymes. You make me want to see the world through your perspective by challenging mine. But I know at the end of the day we’ll probably still see eye to eye. And that’s what I find invigorating.
I’ve been waiting for a guy like you for awhile now. The kind that you know from the moment you talk to him that this is someone you want to get to know better, especially for more than just the first night. Although it’s rare, it’s the small kind of hope single girls like me hold out for.
And when it happened I was surprised. Cause even though it lasted for nothing more than just a couple of moments, I’m glad it did for right now a temporary high is better than none at all and I’ve been sober for far too long.
Perhaps this might possibly be just a hyped up story in my mind, but it’s the one that I haven’t written in a really long time.
So, maybe you’re a mind fucker and maybe this high is wearing off, but thank you dear crush for reminding me that this is still the kind of climax I’m waiting to write about for the greatest love story of my life.
Could quite possibly be yours,