I received an email last June 12 saying
Hi Shari,
I'm Rea. I have an legitimate online job for you. I'm gathering a team of professional writers who will write various kinds of articles. In general, I need articles that have a word count of between 350-500. You will be given keywords on which to work. There are times when you will be provided with a list of articles that you need to rewrite.
It is of importance that only writers who can write the articles with the following conditions should apply.
- Articles will be free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
- The article should stick to the topic and have no broad or superficial context.
- It should pass Copyscape. Plagiarized work will not be paid.
- The headline you are going to make out of the keyword should grab the attention of the readers.
- The headline you are going to make out of the keyword should grab the attention of the readers.
- The content should be informative and the writers should avoid stuffing the articles just to meet the required word count.
Skills Required:
- Writer must have an excellent command of the English language. If you have subpar English proficiency, do not waste your and my time by applying since your application will be rejected.
- Knowledge about SEO is an advantage but not a requirement.
Project Requirement:
- Time frames will vary but we will be expecting 10-20 complete articles per week. More projects will be given to those who are reliable writers.
Terms of Payment:
Payment is Php 60 ($1.5=PhP40) for an article with a required word count of 350-450 words and Php 80 ($2 @ $1=PhP40) per article with a required word count of 450-550 words.
Payment option through bank direct deposit only. (BDO, Metrobank, and BPI only).
Payment is made every Monday the following week. For example, if you submitted a total of 30 500-word articles (6 articles a day from Monday to Friday) for the current week, you will get your payment of Php 2,400 Monday the following week.
Payment is Php 60 ($1.5=PhP40) for an article with a required word count of 350-450 words and Php 80 ($2 @ $1=PhP40) per article with a required word count of 450-550 words.
Payment option through bank direct deposit only. (BDO, Metrobank, and BPI only).
Payment is made every Monday the following week. For example, if you submitted a total of 30 500-word articles (6 articles a day from Monday to Friday) for the current week, you will get your payment of Php 2,400 Monday the following week.
If you like to join my team, just send me a message at sulat_pinoy@yahoo.com. Thank you.
P.S. I love your blog! I Do. I read it every day. I think it's great.
At first I was like 

But the payment rates are too low for me to even consider. Sorry dear. I' m afraid that I have to turn down your invitation.