I hope that you don't disappoint me. Don't get in trouble!! As long as you do what I just said, then you'll be successful. Someday you will see what it's like to not be listened to by your kids.
I’ve heard it said time and again that once a mother holds her baby in her arms, the amount of love that swells in her heart is overwhelming. It’s something I’ve been told I can’t imagine until I experience it. For me, it’s not that hard to believe, actually. Though we haven’t met, I love you already. I know my love for you can only grow, and I’m excited for that. I’m excited to meet you.
this is mommy's 2011 Belle de Jour power planner ( I literally live off of my planner. I write everything from meeting times, homework assignments, birthdays, events, seminars, phone calls to be made, and the list goes on. By writing down each course and highlighting them in different colors) Get a planner.!! 

I want you to read, reread, re-read it and please take good care of it. It's one of my "pamana."
btw I'm currently saving some of my great stuffs for you. After I finish writing this letter, I will continue my quest in finding your father so that I could be a step closer to you. You will be the continuation of our lives.. Our eternity and the fruit of our love....I hope my children, you will continue the love story which me and your father will start and the legacy which I will plant in this world.
With all the love that I possess,