I'm starting my driving lessons tomorrow and honestly, I'm scared. what if the car stops in the middle of the road? what if i hit something or, worse, someone? as they say poitive mental attitude. I can, I will. lolxx
I spent a glorious, relaxing weeks eating and laughing our way through CALABARZON getaway with the Faller family. It was more than anything that I could ask for. I feel incredibly lucky and thankful that I’ve not only been able to see and do all that I have, but also have had the means to document and share it all. Here are some photos

plenty of time to be outdoors, enjoy the warm weather, Pack in for a picnic outing, or a back yard barbeque... I love you forever summer...
well this is it. Here’s March, April, May. And then it' s June and that’s when school starts, so we’re basically done with summer… I wish we had more time to spend but at least I got to see some amazing scenery on the trip.