Weeks goes by like days. This could partially sum up a little bit of my weekdays (Aug. 15-19) So that's what I decided to do with this post. I’ll start by assuming that you’re all wildly interested in my day-to-day life.
- We had 4 pages Prelim exam in Sociology of Religion. The exam isn't really that hard however, it requires critical thinking.
- Had an early dismissal in Marriage and Family. Everybody loves Early dismissal.
- I wrote a script for my pre-defense.
- Also, Paris Hilton started following me on Twitter and she even favorited all my tweets for her. Weird!
- We had spent the morning shooting for our Social Psych Documentary news.
- Submitted the Need Assessment matrix for AB Community Development Program.
- It's odd to think Hilary Duff is pregnant it seems like yesterday when she was in love with Ethan and hanging out with Miranda and Gordo.
- I passed my exams in Demography and Social Change.
- Sir Nino, I so admire his ability to see into things, which cannot be seen, and reason out understanding of them. His depth of knowledge about any subject so deep and broad. His constructive thinking and the effusions of wit and humour.
- I can barely sleep perhaps I'm overthinking stuff.
- short meeting with Dhel at the ABSC office
- Nerve wracking day
- Research presentation/ Pre-defense. Students are given 5 minutes to present their paper. Thesis requires a lot of deep study, practice & revision.
- Will change my theory from Action Theory by Weber to Multi-Cultural theory
- Im glad that's over. I feel so relieved.
- Hello to my new crush, Travis Fleetwood. Can you really argue that he isn't one of the hottest!
- Marc discussed in our class the Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.
- We had no class in Anthro
- We went to Trinoma and had dinner at Taco Bell
- Bought a gift for my boss
- had only 2 hours of sleep
- I went back to UN office for my Practicum Evaluation. I miss my office, my colleagues, my desk that I occupy for the last 2 months of my short working career.
- Had lunch at Mexicali. I love Mexican food.
- Visited the Yuchengco museum. The glory of the museum and my personal favorite is Suspended Garden.
- shooting again for Social Psych
- I felt all my energy drained
- saw my crush at KFC, I can't help but notice his infectious smile
Not much else exciting to say. It's sometimes fun to see where other spend their days! Till then, Peace guys!