testing mobile blogging.. hahaha!!
My interest to other forms of art begins to my undergraduate teacher in Art Appreciation, Ma'am Guevara, she opened my mind to a whole new field that inspired me to explore ART, giving me deeper insight into the art world and preparing me with the essentials to study art at a higher level.
I used to think that painting or other forms of art was exclusive only to the people that could draw objects quickly and with a mirror image of the topic that they would paint.
In class, I spent my time drawing in my notebooks, expressing my thoughts in caricatures of my teachers.
Before I had only been interested in painting, music, theater , dance and multi-media.
I had enjoyed my Art App. class. I found that, through practice, the development of technique, one could (with some inspiration) produce work that surpasses even ones own expectations.
- Street art

- Photography
Everyone with any sort of means at all now has a photographic device of some sort and many produce incredible images.
Nikon vs. Canon vs. everyone else
Most serious photographers will tell you there are only two real choices in the DSLR market: Nikon and Canon. Although companies like Olympus and Sony also make DSLRs, Nikon and Canon have such strong legacies in SLR photography that they’ve earned an unshakable amount of trust among professional photographers. Being an amateur, I am not one to question the conventional wisdom of professionals.
Even after I buy a DSLR (keep my fingers cross) , it’s probably good to keep my ultracompact point-and-shoot as my standard carry-along camera.
- Films (Pinoy Indie films to be particular)
Indie film, is a film that is produced mostly outside of a major film studio. Independent films are made with considerably lower budgets than major studio films. But not always.
It is often thought of as an antidote to the mainstream blockbuster.
IFs have believable plot lines and realistic characters, and they often delve into the darker side of life that the studios would not touch. I really like Independent films for precisely the reason they are made. They are art with an uncorrupted message that the fat cats with the big wallets probably didn't understand so they nixed it. I find them honest in their story and many are exploring subjects the large films overlook but are just as integral to our lives. They are pure art.. The last film I watched was Pisay.

- Performance art
refers largely to a performance which is presented to an audience but which does not seek to present a conventional theatrical play or a formal linear narrative, or which alternately does not seek to depict a set of fictitious characters in formal scripted interactions. It therefore will often include some form of action or spoken word which is a form of direct communication between the artist and audience, rather than a script written beforehand.
So often arts are put on display in big white spaces like museums and it can be daunting. Because it’s all performance art, performance artists want people to go and participate in the spaces, and engage in a dialogue.

Merci beaucoup Madame Guevara!!
As an Art enthusiast I want to become professional in the industry.
Shari the artist and a footloose citizen of the world.