omg.!! I can't believe it. It's already January and it only means one thing. Back to school after Christmas break. Curses!!!! I have been out of school on break for just a couple of days, or two weeks I say. To think that a school shuts down for Christmas break. Think again. When school is out, school works should be put on hold as well. How terribly frustrating I’m still occupied with so many school works.!! Quizzes, reporting, papers.. Curses!! I can't return to school full of energy. I have two major quizzes in Phil Hist but I haven't reviewed yet gosh!! I'm slacking off. Arrrgh!! natatamad ako magkwento. Check out stash of pictures. This is how my Christmas and New Year was spent.!!

Radioactive sago project w/ Wawi Navarroza I watched it for free babe-eh!
New Year's Eve

my two new planners

My cousin Kiro taught me how to play this game. And now, I'm addicted to it. Plants vs. Zombies.