The issue: Portugal’s parliament passed a bill that would make the predominantly Catholic nation the sixth in Europe to permit gay marriage.
Jay: Shari, are you serious? Are you fucking serious?! So does that mean that you don’t permit gay marriage?! (Walang personalan) But that has to be the most narrow minded thing I’ve heard since the beginning of the year! Someone’s sexual preference is not an indication of one’s character or self worth.
Yes we are all entitled to our own opinions. But that doesn’t justify discrimination. Just because a person chooses the "same gender" as theirs to be their partner, doesn’t make them as less of a person as you.
I’m sorry for the rant but there 3 things in this world that I just don’t and will never understand nor tolerate and that is: prejudice, racism and discrimination (having lived in a foreign country, US, where I myself have witnessed and experienced such). And this makes me sick to my stomach
Shari: First of all I oppose discrimination on basis of sexual orientation, whether against homosexuals or heterosexuals. Self worthy or one's character has nothing to do why I'm against this.. But I do not believe that we should change the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples. Gay marriage will destroy marriage— it will destroy the man-as-breadwinner, woman-as-helpmeet, patriarchal idea of marriage (that most people have already moved on from.) This is the climactic moment in the battle to preserve the family, and future generations hang in the balance. so YES, Jay I'm opposing same-sex marriage.
It offends everything religion stands for, to the extent that they involve morals and values, these are grounded in ethics.
Our Christian values are important, they are traditional, and they are the basis for so much of our country. Traditional marriage needs to remain elevated in our society and in our culture. Now, we have some folks who are skeptics about that. (so sad to say “religious exemption” aspects of such bills will have very little practical effect.)
Those values are under attack. These are not just conservative values. Our values, our Filipino values. Can’t blame Conservatives like me for grabbing on to any hope we can.
I don't hate gays, I didn't have anti-homosexual bigotry either.
The embrace of homosexuality in Western culture has come about with unbelievable speed–far more rapidly than the feminist revolution or racial equality. Less than 50 years ago same-sex sexual intercourse was criminal. Now we are arguing about the term used to describe a committed relationship.