Monday, December 21, 2009

My Christmas wishlist

So, Santa, St. Nicolas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle…whatever you like to go by these days…I’ve been a good girl for the most part this year. All I want for Chritsmas are the following: Money doubler, Rocketeers, Tesla coil, Private Carribean Islands, Supersonic Private Jet, Beach front estate in Belgrade, Model and sole ownership of a top store brand, Nikon D3X or Canon EOS DSLR, iPhone 3G Kings Button, black Lamborghini diablo, airfare to Monaco, Brazil, Russia, Norway, and Luxembourg, white kitties, Vivienne Westwood Ball Gown Museum, chocolate shop, reserve seat on a future space flight and lastly, a Chopard Blue Diamond engagement ring from Nemanja Bjelica.

Bats eyelashes I promise to be extra good next year!