Can you believe we are almost near for th prelims exam?!?!
For the past few days we had quizzes and I was up late at night and early every moning. I spent a bit of time finishing up the final bits and pieces of.. Damn it's been a hell week. There so many things to do in school... Hectic, Frustrating and Bugging coz of college, where I’m supposed to submit records, assignments and all those shit you know . . . . sometimes I begin to go into terror type I even develop erratic sleeping patterns. But look I'm still alive.!! Time management is the key.
Unfortunately only saturday and sunday is my free time, so I just cruised the net facebook-ing, multiply-ing, plurk-ing, twitter-ing, doing my research about Rafael Nadal. I just love him bunches and bunches and I really felt the need to share this to the world. By the way he's back, he is expected to play in Rogers cup at Montreal, So world-just hold your breath. Vamos Rafa!!!
Yesterday Practical exam in Social dance, First General Assembly ng Socio at AVR. We didn't have math class. Christmas, Christine and I went to SM Manila. SUper laughtrip tlga. Ninanakaw (unaware) na namin yung pinamili ng kasunod namin at NR lang sya.
Today, I even have to go to school to finish the SS bulletin board. I'm happy with the outcome and I'm very thankful to my classmates who gave their share.
School-y pics

Time to Sign out.!! Adios!!