You know how you are having a great day, and you feel like nothing can hold you
down? And then suddenly, the unexpected happens.
I am totally annoyed last Monday and just want to get it off my chest.
The bad traffic jam in Imus could seriously give me high blood.
I was not able to attend my 3-6 pm class. The story is all too familiar. Luckily for
me, I do not have to go through traffic jams each day to get to my school.
Is that to say we have no control over whatever happens today, good, or bad?
Let me tie a couple of pictures together

Overnight at JM's house super duper fun sa sprang kasayahan I had only 2 hours of sleep. We watched The Human centipede. One of the sickest and disturbing film I have ever seen.
Get the idea..?
Dr. Heiter is a mad scientist. He drugs his victims and dumps them into his Mercedes. When they regain consciousness, they find themselves tied to hospital beds. He provides them with a little slide show to brief them on his plans. Heiter plans to surgically join his victims by sewing together their mouths and anuses, all in a row, so the food goes in at the front and comes out of the rear. They will move on their hands and knees like an insect. It was not intended as a horror film but had the same effect on me by the end. It unsettled us for its entire duration, stuck in our mind long afterward, and continues. I dare you.

GA/PTSA at Beato avr, I was sick by so excuse my ugly face!

Rock band 3 new thy addiction. They've got got bass, drums, guitar, vocals.